We know there is no such thing as “one size fits all” Our line of 18 products allows you to pick and choose based on your health needs! This page will allow you to find the product YOU want to know more about! I am sure you will want to check them all out! APL has you covered from head to toe, inside and out!

Just what is Acumullit SA?
Acumullit SA preserves and enhances the beneficial properties of our whole-food botanical ingredients. The plant DNA active compounds are isolated without being contaminated by other substances in the plant by a state-of-the-art extraction process.
Activating these fruits, herbs, and seeds releases micro and macro elements, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, organic acids, and antioxidants, which become more bioavailable and skin-friendly.
As a result of these isolated particles, negatively charged nano-elements are formed, creating a highly absorbable active mix of nutrients.
AIR: Cold and Flu, works on keeping the lungs clear and able to move oxygen CLICK HERE
ALT: Easy breathing, helps with allergies, colds, COPD, Asthma CLICK HERE
BRN: Focus, Concentration, Helps with Lots of cognitive issues CLICK HERE
BTY: Hair growth, Skin health, Age spots, Skin tags and more CLICK HERE
GRW: Immune support, Eyesight health CLICK HERE
GTS: Strength, Energy, Stamina, work out booster CLICK HERE
HPR: Detox organs and blood, heavy metals, impurities CLICK HERE
HPY: Hemp seed, depression, PMS, Sleep, Anxiety CLICK HERE
HRT: Blood Pressure, Circulation, Cholesterol, Heart Health CLICK HERE
ICE: Acid reflux, Heartburn, Upset Stomach, Constipation CLICK HERE
LFT: stem cell, telomeres CLICK HERE
MLS: Gut microbiome health, good gut flora CLICK HERE
NRM: Blood Glucose CLICK HERE
PFT: Weight Control CLICK HERE
PWR: Lemon(men) Apricot (women) sexual heath/ energy CLICK HERE
RLX: Anxiety, Sleep, to much energy CLICK HERE
SLD: Joint health, Arthritis, Inflammation CLICK HERE
STP: aches, pains, strains, headaches, everyday stiffness CLICK HERE
TERRA HERTZ PENDANT: balance, pain, energy CLICK HERE
Here is a great chart explaining what part of the body each product’s ingredients and known to help.