February 10, 2023 from Vickie Sutherland
Good morning sweetie I can actually focus now and that’s just after taking 2 different lozenges yesterday. I new I was in serious trouble my depression and anxiety was over the moon. If Michael hadn’t already ordered me these nutritional supplements I would have thrown in the towel . But I woke up feeling great this morning at 4:00 am I went in and talked to my daughter as she was getting ready for work . Then I came back to bed and went right back to sleep I haven’t had a good night sleep in months that was why I had brain fog
and couldn’t concentrate or remember anything I seriously thought I was getting dementia or alzheimer’s and having cancer on my head wasn’t helping any . I truly couldn’t believe how focused I am now after just taking two lozenges . These products are absolutely amazing I have been in nutritional supplements business for years and can honestly say I never had a nutritional supplement work this fast never. I’m talking months of no sleep waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep
forgetting things minutes after someone told me something this was very scary for me I know I’m soon to be 71 but I always been able to focus good. Thank you APLGO for this good night sleep
I feel so relaxed and emotionally together and rested for the first time in years .

BRN (Brain) has helped my daughter get off Adderall for her ADD . Nothing feels better for a Mom to see their kids thriving without the chemicals and their terrible side effects
B2G2 for the next 5 days!! Reach out directly.
*This is my personal experience. I’m not diagnosing, attempting to cure, prevent, or treat any diseases or conditions. Ask your physician for medical advice.

Eddi Monroy OMGI never thought I would announce I was #addicted to #caffeine, but I WAS
Read that again
Never in my life, would I ever think that I would kick this 30 year habit!! I used to take so many pills
that were high in caffeine, that they would give me painful headaches, and give me the shakes!
But back in the day, when I was working out hard core caffeine
before a workout was the norm! I was a Regular at GNC!
Until one day my stomach didn’t like the caffeine anymore and it would make me throw up! I finally went to the doctor for it years ago and she told me to stop taking all the pills and try to drink coffee which I was thought was disgusting! So believe it or not, I never started drinking coffee
until I was 40 years old! Its defintely an acquired taste! Recently … I started having all the issues again
I have #ENERGY & #LaserFOCUS without the side effects, #INSTANTLY
Say Whaaaaat
This is from: Tammy Elifritz Neves
My life has been a whirlwind of projects, running a farm, working 2 part time jobs and starting my own home based business ! My brain is on overload most of the time. I pop one BRN and the spinning stops and I can focus and get organized. It sure makes my day less stressful and more productive! #BRN #focus

I just got this sent to me! Michelle Dubose: BRN & MLS Testimony This might end up being kind of long but trust me it will be worth it!!!I have a little girl Named Mary she will be 8 years old in February,she came to live with me when she was 19 months old through the foster care system I adopted her two years later at first we though Mary had Autism but then through farther testing we found out that she has a genetic disorder called 1q21.1 micro deletion. This causes all kinds of issues like cognitive delays, Short stature, physical deformities, learning disabilities, low IQ, heart problems, seizures and symptoms that present as if the child has Autism.Mary is considered nonverbal she has said a few words randomly here and there and babbles but doesn’t do it in a way that it is connected to anything she is doing at the time. Mary through years of working with her will put her diapers and other items in the trash can and will put her dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket but that has been the extent of getting her to follow directionsMary has been taking BRN and MLS for 16 days as of today and has had major break throughs in the last week !!!She likes to blow spit bubbles which I find to be gross, so I’m always telling her “no spit bubbles” and then she just laughs at me and continues to do it! A few days ago she was sitting at the table clicking her lips together but not blowing spit bubbles and I ask her “Mary what are you doing?” And she replied “no spit” which I was a shocked because she doesn’t answer questions! And I said to her “do you mean no spit bubbles?” And she looked at me and said very clearly “no spit bubbles” I couldn’t believe it she actually responded appropriately in a conversation first time ever!!!She has been babbling non stop but she is also saying so many new words and phrases like usually when she is done eating she will sign done but today after breakfast she said “Mary done” and she is making connections when I ask her to do things like I have ask her to put her dishes in the sink before and they go right in the trash but she has consistently put her dishes in the sink when asked all week and today after breakfast she did it without even being asked!!! She goes in her room to play when I ask her to now instead of just going half way up the stairs and coming back down I just can not believe all the advancements she has made in the last week I am in aweI can’t wait till she goes back to school after Thanksgiving and her teachers see her they are going to be floored And one last thing I just turned in notes from the school and from her PT/OT therapist about her having seizure type activity, she has been doing this thing where she stares off blankly and then her eyes roll back in her head and I have not seen her do that at all in the last week and a half !!! These drops are making huge changes in my daughters life and I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to try them I am a believer in the power of the drops!!! And I am a believer in this company and how they are here for us because one thing I haven’t told you is that because these two drops are in the higher end collections there was no way I could afford to get them as I am on a very limited income I had to sell stuff to be able to join but I had ordered the RLX when they were out of it and they said they would ship our orders and give us a free box of something as a we’re sorry your having to wait on the RLX and I placed two orders both with RLX in them and my second order shipped without the RLX and they did not send and xtra set and they held my first order until the RLX came in and shipped the whole order so my up line told me to contact them and ask them about the free box they were supposed to send,so I sent them an email and explained my situation and how they held my first order for a week and a half . I got an email back saying they had no idea why they held my order like that an apologized and ask me what I would like for my free box and I told them about Mary and said that I would love to try BRN or MLS for her but if they are too expensive to give as the free set I totally understand and would be happy with whatever the chose to send me.I then got an email saying that they were sending me both BRN and MLS I cried when I got that emailAnd then I shared this testimony with my team last night on a zoom meeting and mentioned that due to me getting Covid and being so sick since I signed up I’m still in a bad spot financially and I’m not sure how I’m going to get her next month supply but I do believe it is helping and immediately one of my teammates said I would like to donate a months worth for her then before I knew it others were donating as well and now she is set up for several month so I can’t wait to share her progress with you in the weeks and months to come and I just want to say a huge thank you to my team and to this company for helping my daughter

My name is Elmer Stang, I am from Airdrie, Canada. It has become very important to me to share with you my testimony because my experience has been outstanding and I believe you too will also benefit greatly from my experience.I have been disabled for past 21 years. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 50 and at 60 I landed in a wheelchair. Today I am 72 years of age.In the beginning I spent about a decade on pharmaceuticals with the recommendations from neurologists and physicians. Most of their prescribitions had all kinds of side effects and didn’t seem stop any progress of the disease. So eventually I went off their prescriptions. I began a regime of natural supplements prescribed by a scientist who puts supplements together for people with MS A few months ago I was introduced to Plant based DNA Drops, they are a lozenge and they taste great. I believe that the nutrients in them is healing my body naturally. I just passed the 90 day mark and this is what I have experienced so far,Clarity in my mind and thoughts and improved awareness and more ability to concentrate.I am in a much better mood in general and get a feeling of well being…. I’m just feeling better all around and have more energy My vision has improved greatly which astonished me because no one around me of same age has neither seen or experienced anything like this.My digestion has improved, I feel more satiety and less hunger.I am really grateful to have a improved bladder and bowel control I feel less urgency and have a better ability to control eliminations. I am better able to stand and my balance has improvedI am also experiencing movement during the night including rolling over ! This has not happened in 10 years ! My sleep has improved and I wake up feeling truly rested.My hair and nails also look much better. They look very healthy.In 90 days, these drops have done more for me than all the other natural products and pharmaceuticals combined.I am aware these are unlikely improvements being as how M.S. is a degenerative disease. I believe the plant DNA is feeding my brain and system and since the nutrients are 100% absorbed through my mouth and have ZERO side effects, I’m feeling very thankful for them. I believe It’s a complete simplification of the nutritional process and based on these improvements, I’m believing and knowing that these are feeding my body and especially my brain.I am feeling hopeful for an even better future.Cheers, Elmer . *** Also I have a burning sensation on the bottoms of my feet. This is also new

Tamara Marcucci on BRN for Dementia